"Christmas Party Company 2008, followed by "Come-together in Wolfratshausen, and finally Lemmi's Mid-winter-celebration"
17.12. I drove with Big Foot to Eching to the German companies headquarter
because we were invited for the Christmas party for Thrusday. As before I got a
full hook-up Campground. Friday 19.12.2008 I drove south to Wolfratshausen to the Come Together from Hans Alramseder, better known as "Wombi". Emil, his wife Connie and daughter Theresa had been there as well one day in advance. We were the advance team to get an appropriate training. Next to Hans his colleage.
Emil & Connie's "Big Blue".
In addition to the hall as well the Eicher was decorated Christmas in style. But the restauration was even better than the decoration!
In total more than 50 people had been around at Saturday. This was in the beginning were not everybody had arrived. Simon held a fantastic presentation about his tour to Libya with great pictures. Afterwards Andrea and Uwe made their presentation about their tour to Iceland. Again the mood for new tours was encouraged.
For the women who hadn't got all presents for their husbands Berner had some great gift ideas for Chirstmas.
An impression from the top-floor.
The next morning shortly before Monnie with the blue 1017er and I drove together to Lemmi. But due to the reason that hadn't gone to bed before 05:00h the morning we didn't start before 13:00h, which enabled Monnie to get rid of some problems in his electric installation.
After ~ 5 hours driving we finally arrived in Schaafheim (close toAschaffenburg) for Lemmi's mid-winter celebration. Meanwhile the permanent rain of the last 4 days had stopped. So it was as well nice to be outside and the meeting not only limited to the hall.
Nevertheles the glogg was a welcome alternative to the cold drinks.
This is a phot of the next morning, Uli is preparing the scrambled eggs.
Some impressions of the trucks:
This is the field kitchen of Lemmi and responsible for the glogg and a pea soup the previous evening.
The scrambled egg was meanwhile ready,
and the guys enjoyed it.
If some bad guys would have pissed all the time at my rear axle I wouldn't have sunk into the mud so much. J At least this gave a chance for a tugg-war (Big Foot won and only Christoph and the winch of his KAT "was able to pull me out - thanks again.
To all people joining, presenters etc.: Tanks a lot, it was really nice and I enjoyed it so much, as well the individual talks. But mainly to Hans, Lemmi and Sabine my regards for the invitation both these two fantastic events - it was a great final event for 2008.