"Holiday June 2008 USA & Canada"
Wednesday, 11.06.2008: Even though we had to get up very early to be at the airport we were very happy that we finally started our holiday. Of course Anita was desperate for her quantum nicotine before our flight with Singapore Airlines started at 09:00h.
After we had arrived at John F. Kennedy airport (JFK), we drove with a shuttle bus towards Manhattan. From there we walked some blocks to the next station to access the “Pass Train “. This train drove us to New Jersey, where we had our hotel for the next 6 days. Due to some detours and – as we found out afterwards – not perfect use of the public transport system we didn’t arrived there before 17:00h. The view was from towards Manhattan was beautiful.
So the evening was limited to a close by supermarket where we had a quick dinner.
Thursday, 12.06.2008: The start in the morning repeated from now on for our whole stay in New York: First we walked 400 m to the „Pass-Station“ from where the train under-crossed the Hudson-River directly to World-Trade-Center (WTC). First we had a look at the construction area. When we were here last time – 11 years ago – we had been on top of the original WTC and had enjoyed the view from there.
Opposite the WTC we found a „Deli“, a typical New Yorker location for breakfast or a reasonable Lunch and Dinner. This was as well the place were the worker from the WTC got their food – so we expected that the portions are OK. And so it became our „traditional Breakfast-Deli for the whole stay in New York.
From here we headed towards Ellis Island to climb up the statue of Liberty at least this time.
Unfortunately it is no longer possible to climb up in the “lady” itself – only to the top of the tower. So we had only the chance to look under the skirt of the “lady”.
We continued through the "Financial District".
And of course we had to stop for a „Breakfast at Tiffany’s“.
From here we headed towards China-Town.
After several kilometres in the „Downtown“ area by feet we enjoyed a relaxed evening close the Brooklyn-Bridge before we returned to our Hotel in Jersey City.
Friday, 13.06.2008: The next morning was reserved for the MoMA.
Afterwards we walked through the skyscraper gorges of Manhattan for several shopping stops. Besides we still had some time to have a look to the Rockefeller-Center e. g..
Saturday, 14.06.2008: Our first target was the Empire State Building. We joined the very long cue which is typical for the US, which finally brought us to the visitor platform of the Empire State Building.
Of course we needed to go shopping again – here the place to satisfy the desires of my wife (Macy's) of which you can see a small part!
Sunday, 15.06 2008: Besides additional shopping courses
we accidentally found in the Financial District exactly that Sushi-Restaurant, where I introduced my family 11 years ago to this typical Japanese specialty.
We then went to the Central Park.
Central Station was as well a must on our list.
More or less opposite is the Chrysler-Building (here the beautiful elevators in the lobby).
In the evening we walked around on the Times Square.
Monday, 16.06.2008: Today we had a more detailed look at the area of the WTC / Ground Zero.
The exhibition in the church St. Pauls– directly opposite the WTC – was really emotional.
The Guggenheim-Museum was due to renovation only accessible in a very restricted area.
The Library we visited on while we made a stop on a final tour by bus through Manhattan.
Tuesday, 17.06.2008: Due to the excessive shopping the amount of our cases had increased which didn’t make the tour from the hotel to JFK-airport easier, where we wanted to pick up our rental car. The first bit with the Path-Line (a Subway, which connects Manhattan with Jersey) to WTC was easy. From here we took the E-line from Chambers-Street to Jamaica-Center, where the Airtrain brought us the last bit to JFK and the car rental station. The biggest adventure was, that we were 2 people with 4 big suitcases and had to enter through a gate at the subway-station Chambers-Street: Bigger stations a manned and they open special gates for people with excessive luggage but not here. Our two 7day passes for the public transport system of Manhattan only worked twice – as a result. Anita plus one suitcase was already behind the barrier but I was still outside with 3 more cases. So Anita opened an emergency gate from inside which caused an alarm siren – but it seemed as if this was OK for excessive luggage e. g..
Once we had picked up our rental car, a Chrysler 300 we drove to Danbury in Connecticut where our son had stayed at a university to participate a language training which was organized by his school. The rest of his school-mates returned today but we picked him up to spend the next 1,5 week together. The night we stayed at a hotel in Bridgeport.
Wednesday, 18.06.2008 In the area of Bridgeport we admired the beautiful sea-shore and the fantastic houses.
In Mystic we didn’t only enjoy the terrific country side and houses but as well a beautiful location lobster-inn, the „Abbotts Lobster in the Rough“. In a relaxed atmosphere you can choose for the size of your lobster, accompanied by starts made out of lobster or other seafood – and all this for a very good rate and not much more costly as in a German fast-food restaurant.
But as well Mystic itself is very beautiful.
Providence as the capital was not only impressive because of his historic buildings
but as well because of the residence of the governor (State House), where they allowed us without any problem to enter.
Seems as if Cape Cod is a remarkable area but for our feeling the prices for hotels or bed & breakfast were too high. But because it was already quite late we didn’t had any other chance then to stay the overpriced motel.
Thursday, 19.06.2008: Without exploring Cape Cod any further we drove to Plymouth, where we visited a re-built of the Mayflower.
There are lots of places highlighting the history of the pilgrims and the native people.
Because our hotel in Boston was in the outskirts we used the hotel shuttle to the next train station which brought us directly to the center. When we arrived in the afternoon the whole city was celebrating because of the 17th victory of the “Celtics“ just recently.
But we followed the „Freedom Trail“, which yellow markers on the ground is guiding through the most important sightseeing spots of Boston – a comfortable one day walk.
Here e. g. the house of Paul Revere, who became famous whilst the Boston Tea Party.
Or where the state house of Massachusetts is.
Friday, 20.06.2008: Today we used the rental car to get downtown Boston.
We visited the harbour including the oldest still active battle ship , the „Constitution“, which was a milestone in here days for her construction.
In the afternoon we drove to Salem, which is famous for the witch trials.
We finished the day with a delicious Steak at the Hilltop!
Saturday, 21.06.2008: Today we planned another highlight:: Whalewatching in Glouchester, where they guaranty that you will see whales– OK, most cannot take advantage of the offer for an additional ride for free - but at least a fair offer. We passed the plenty small island located in front of the seashore and the lighting houses for which Maine’s shore is famous as well.
After +/- 1h we reached the area where the ocean bed drops dramatically and therefore a stream in the water results in lots of food for all species.
Our guide knew most of the humpback whales and their names given to them because of them prefer to stay local.
You try to spot for white areas on the water, which is caused by the whales who blow out air to irritate their catch and then to swim with the mouth wide open from underneath through the catch to the surface.
Then the catch is separated by squeezing out the water through their baleen plates. Then they dive again for the next round.
Deeply impressed we returned.
At the peer we enjoyed a restaurant – but WITHOUT whale Sushi.
We searched for a Motel in Hampton, which wasn’t too easy because the US-holiday season had started and public party with a free-admittance concert and a firework nearly everything was already booked.
Sunday, 22.06.2008: We continued the impressive coastline of Maine further to northeast – in Boothbay we made a last stop and enjoyed for the last time Mal Lobster.
Unfortunately it started to rain whilst our lunch which on the other hand made it easier to leave this fantastic coast.
Monday, 23.06.2008: From the hotel in Augusta we drove through the Appalachian mountains north towards Canada. Fortunately we saw a moose directly at the street which didn’t seem to be irritated by us.
Some minutes after this “meeting” we passed the US-/ Canadian border. But it still took us a while before we arrived in Quebec. We were fortunate again because today the official party for the 400-anniversary started.
But it started again to rain which didn’t support the city party too much!
Quebec cannot deny his origin – located at the mighty St. Lorenz river and the old houses of the historic city center it reminded us pretty much of French villages at the Loire e. g..
Tuesday, 24.06.2008: Around Quebec are lots of big waterfalls. These are the Saint-Anne ones.
The height exceeds the Niagara-falls.
Due to excessive rainfalls whilst the last weeks, the river had a lot of water but the amount of water can’t be compared by no means with the Niagara-falls.
The bridges which cross several times the river are in an impressive height and allow fantastic views.
Not far away are the "Sept Chutes".
As expressed by their name you see here seven smaller waterfalls one by one.
The third bigger waterfall is directly at the big road which is on the southern side of the St. Lorenz river.
And another proof that I am a saint.
We didn’t had more time for Quebec which we regret but had to drive towards Montreal, but with a short stop in the „Parc La Mauricie“.
A beautiful landscape as you can see but especially Robin made some very inconvenient experiences with mosquito.
Quite late we arrived in Montreal and because our hotel was directly in Chinatown, we had the chance to enjoy a walk across the market.
Wednesday, 25.06.2008 And here Chinatown by day.
Montreal is a little bit younger as Quebec and not quite the charm but nevertheless is worth a trip.
For fans of architecture Montreal offers a lot, here e. g. the „Habitat“, a complex of houses built for the Expo 1967.
The view to the city center is beautiful.
In the middle of the city is the cities own mountain, the „Mont Royal“, which was the origin of the name of the city and from where you have a good overview across Montreal.
Thursday, 26.06.2008: Because it was rainy more or less the whole day we didn’t take any photos on our way through Vermont. Although the road which we took was very picturesque we more or less only stopped once for a lunch-break – it was simply too wet.
Friday, 27.06.2008: After we had spend the night in Hadley, Massachusetts (next to Northhampton), we drove to Fairfield, Connecticut where we met Robin Brown from Autoscript, who had organized some parts for our camper – thanks Robin. He gave us as well the hint to spend the remaining time in the „Maritime Aquarium“ in Norwalk.
The rest was just to get to New York, JFK-airport, return the rental car and to wait for the departure.
Saturday, 28.06.2008. Very tired but without problems we arrived back home, amazingly form e Anita was pleased to be back home and Robin of course was happy to be back again in front of his own PC – only myself didn’t really looked forward to be here – it could have last for much longer.