"Saverne 25. – 27. July 2008"
Again we had the meeting in France, more precisely in the Alsace. Start was Friday because for groups who rent the complete terrain entrance is not allowed prior to 18:00h. When I arrived shortly before 18:00h some other vehicles were already there. But this wasn’t a problem at all, even though this time more than 50 vehicles had registered there was more than enough plain space on the parking lot.
(Some of the photos are from Gunther resp. Stefan (Stefan1017), thanks for your allowance to use them.)
At the first evening we had similar to last year two delicious young grilled pigs, which had been prepared with lots of efforts and sense of taste from Carsten (Rocknroll) – fantastic & thanks, looking forward to next year!! J
Roman (Roman911) was the spender of two 30l barrels of beer because of his recent wedding – this really helped a lot to prevent severe signs of people getting under-hopped.
Happy family
Next day most of us started to the off-road area.
Of course Saverne had its typical mud-areas which showed to some the border of the capability of their trucks.
Here e. g. Uli (Vario) entertained the gang shortly before most of us stopped the driving activities before noon. OK, some say it was bad luck but I claim that Uli had planned everything exactly to entertain the people. J
Hans’ (HaRoBo) son continued the entertainment at the fireplace by juggling with fire.
Sunday Alex (Africalex) and myself left quite early whilst others continued to exercise in the off-road-terrain or to enjoy the community. But Alex and myself wanted to enjoy the beautiful countryside of Luxemburg! J
Again perfectly organised from Bärbel (Carasophie), Klaus (Pirx), Ulf (UlfH) and of cause all the others who helped to give this meeting such a nice and great flair.
A member-list is here (only in German).
Who wants to enjoy the complete collection of pictures and video files please have a look here, thanks to Uli who collected them as usual: http://space.buwe.de/saverne08
List of damages on Big Foot? Not really, except this small list: - The rear, right hubcap got wrinkled. But I already got called names because of them such as „Showman’s-car“ – so another reason to take them off.
- A u-shaped bracket to take the rubber-style bonnet-fixation was scratched off from the support frame of the cabin. (upper arrow) - The cabin hit again due to twists the rear part of the front fenders. No longer an issue, Stefan will give me his rubber-style fenders in exchange to my steel-type ones J, which will eliminate this problem for the future! (Why do I have the feeling that I still need some arguments to finally convince him??) (picture above, lower arrow, similar marks on the cabin)
Roman has convinced me that a glass cover above the
vegetable-tray is not perfect for an off-road-vehicle as mine but can cause lots
of problems. He demonstrated how easily a 30l barrel can break the glass.
After Saverne is before Saverne!! |